Pranav Tej


'A mans karma is to forever turn the wheel of life towards a better future for all'

What to say?

I am looking for words to be written on my blog, dont know what to write, its long since I blogged. Please give me some topics to write.

Filed under: Uncategorized,

Tata Nano the 1 lakh car, Its Official


The begining of new era in the history of India. Civilizations of bullock cart economy is over, in the new India affordbility and world economics are turned down, its a brilliant idea to fine tune the  products to be produced at cheapest cost and sold in the higly thick markets like India. I can imagine a stylistic, modern, technologically smart vehicles in the future roads of India, even though the infrastructure is pathetic. Todays launch event is of one the turning points in the history of Indian Automobiles Industry. Enjoy the littel ride with the little car. Hope it will turn out as a great product for one of the biggest market of middle income families. Indian economy will take a new ride reaching into more similar customers in other countries. Thanks to the Ratan Tata, what the wall street journalists call him as the “Henry Ford” of India. History repeats, may be in different geographies…

Filed under: Business, Latest, Technology

Brutal Force

World Changing

In the current world of human domination on the planet earth, look at the picture detailing the brutality of some of man’s creations which is slowly poisoning the world with extreme pollution. It’s time to think about our planet earth and our responsibility as a sensible human to care about the nature with nature. Check this amazing pictures detailing the future of millions in this planet earth at .

Filed under: Latest, Politics

Encyclopedia of Life


If you want to know more about the bio-diversity of each and every species that exists in the earth there is no place as of now in the web, all this going to change shortly with an initiative by a team of scientists who are creating an encyclopedia of life. In this chaotic world where man is becoming more destructive, this kind of initiatives will help us to save the earth and appreciate the bio-doversity of various living creatures.  You can find more on the intiative from 

Filed under: Peace, Technology

Book review

The games Indians play

In a rare attempt to understand the Indianness of Indians—perhaps the most intelligent people in the world, but also, to a dispassionate eye, among the most baffling—V. Raghunathan(Former professor from IIM Ahmedabad) uses the props of game theory and behavioural economics to provide an insight into this most difficult question: why are we the way we are? Raghunathan tackles the question by putting under the scanner our attitudes towards rationality and irrationality, egotism and selfishness, our penchant for antagonism and competition, and our aversion to collaboration and cooperation. Drawing examples from the way we behave in day-to-day situations—from our attitude towards a cheating vendor to our attitude in a joint venture; from our tearing off a page from a library book to the way we leave our public toilets—he shows how in the long run even the most self-serving of us—businessmen, politicians, bureaucrats, common people—stand to profit more if we were to adopt a little self-regulation, give fairness a little more credence and cooperate instead of cheat.

Filed under: Latest

Rollable Dispaly Phone


How to get a 5 inch display on your mobile phone. Well, just roll it on, this year an Italian telecom carrier TIM is going to launch a phone which has a rollable screen. You can unfold and roll the screen to read a e-mail or browse a web page. Rollable displays are going to be consumer reality by end of this year.

Filed under: Technology

Messages from Water

peace water crystal 

Did we ever able to decrypt the nature wonders from elements like water? To give you an examples, a Japanese Researcher(Masaro Emoto) experimented on water by expressing positive and negative words on a droplets of frozen water taken from different places and placed under a microscope, the findings are astonishing, the water forms beatiful crystal shape when a positive word such as “Thank you” is uttered, The same water forms a ugly shape when a word like “you fool” is uttered.  The experiment was carried with all the imagination and atlast its found out, the world is evolving by the type of energy that we create in this earth, more the positive, higher the energy, more the negativity, lower the energy.  On the above small picture you can see the water droplet forms a beatiful crystal shape when a word like “Peace” is uttred. Is it not a wonder of wonder, a droplet of water has such an immence energy.

Filed under: Peace

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